IP Address Lookup in Black List
This lookup checks to see if the IP Address you enter is currently listed in the nsZones blacklist
Enter an IP Address: Listed in Black List
We are sorry you have reached this page because your IP has blocked for one of the following reasons:
- Your email server may be misconfigured.
- Your email server contains a virus and has been sending out spam.
- Someone in your organization may have a PC infected with a virus or botnet program.
- Your marketing department may be sending out bulk emails that do not comply with the CAN-SPAM Act.
nsZones is not attempting to block your emails and this IP is temporary listed.
The listing will expire automatically and free of charge 5 years (60 months) after the last abuse from that IP.
Expedited manual express delisting is available as an option, in case you do not want to wait for the automatic and free expiration.
For your IP delisting, you will be charged 7.95 EUR, using Paypal payment.
Delisting is guarantee, and will not listed again for the next 24 months.
Write into the box the IP you want to delist ...